Thursday, June 14, 2007

Go Home Bennys

The title refers to an ominous banner hanging on the Parkway on Memorial Day weekend. The animosity runs deep. However, I have a little history with the Jersey Shore. My grandfather bought four summer homes in the mid 1960's and early seventies. Three of the houses were located on LBI, and one was located in Beach Haven West, just off the island. He used to tell me that he had such a hard time keeping up with the maintenance of the properties because there were no businesses down there. No one lived down there back then. He couldn't simply call up a service to clean the house or landscape the yard. He and his family had to do all the work. So, sick of dealing with all the crap, and because of his love for boating, he decided to sell three and keep the one on the mainland bay. He docked his boat out his house in Beach Haven West. We still have the house today long since my grandpa has passed. We have been traveling down there since I was born, and the Jersey shore is my favorite vacation spot. My family still owns the house and it has been the site of our greatest parties, The Brenasance. So maybe you can't technically call me a Benny but I do get a rental share in Manasquan or Belmar every summer. I will continue to rent a house as long as there are houses. It is something my friends and I all look forward to each cold winter. It pains me to see the anti-benny movement getting stronger each year. Here is my friend Joe Concha's insightful take on the situation.

1 comment:

Judy Jetson said...

BENNY stands for Bergen Essex New if you grew up in Randolph (Morris) and live in Hoboken (Hudson) it does not apply to you, so take no offense and enjoy your rental...