Friday, June 1, 2007


Ok, so the summer is full-on here, and I am hereby crowning Bocce Ball the "sport of the summer". I think it definitely wrestled the title away from Horseshoes, although many would debate this bold statement. It just that Bocce is such a gentleman's game. To me it really is the sport of kings. We had a great tournament yesterday in my back yard. The poorman's Corona (Sol) was flowing, the sun was shining, and the bullshit was freestyling. We like to call a good rap session freestyle bullshitting. I really is a true talent. My friend Packin is the absolute king of freestyling bullshitting. His flow is sick, son. No seriously, he has bullshitted young and old, man and women. It really is an art. He basically makes a living doing it, running a club called The Stone Rose. You should check it out sometime. It is in the Time Warner Center in NYC and it's all pishy poshy, if you are into that scene. So anyways, back to Bocce. We were freestyle bullshitting while playing Bocce. The thing I like about Bocce is that it breeds freestyle bullshitting. We were coming up with some funny-ass shit while playing yesterday. We somehow started talking about that dude from He-Man named Man-E-Faces. He's the warrior dude that you spin his headpiece and it changes him from a human to a monster, and then (I think) to a machine. Which is kind of retarded, but funny nonetheless. So we started thinking about this kid we know that fires up the drug scene and we named him Man-E-Faces from this day forward. Why? Because he can change from his normal face, to his weed face, and finally to his coke face.

I learned a new word today. Vulpine. There is a preview for the new HBO show John From Cincinnati, and they were talking about vulpine surf shop owner Luke Perry. Vulpine means: cunning or clever. It also means: of, resembling, or characteristic of a fox. So, I will use it in a sentence. I think Lindsay Lohan is a retard, but at the same time she is kind of vulpiney. Meaning she is kind of foxy.

BTW...I host a Team Trivia Night at The Gaslight in Hoboken on Tuesdays at 8:30 pm. Prizes, drink specials, ladies eat free, and beats by Hairy Knucks

Trivia question: What is the name of the small ball used during a game of Bocce?

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