Ahhh yes, it's Friday and that usually means two things. One, I am a bit hungover from last night's festivities, and, two, the weekend is basically here. Saturday's are generally my favorite day of the week, but Friday's are definitely close. I think Mondays have to be my least favorite day of the week. As in "some body's got a case of the Monday's". But whatever, back to my little intro right here. As you probably can tell, I have started a blog in response to many of my loyal compadres asking me about the now defunct Hoboken Hammers website. I loved that website and I think others got a kick out of it as well, but its day was done. The Hammers have all moved on to bigger and better things. Some are even married, if you can believe that. But, there is one thing that you can bet the house on...their spirit lives on in a new generation of hammers. Funny side note, people still ask me if they can get into the Hammers, like it's some social club or secret society like the Skull and Bones. Trust me, we're not that cool. Plus, no one really had the initiative to do all the paperwork. But anyways, if you think about it, we have been doing this shit for 7 years now. 7 years in this bitch. Some great times and memories. We have been doing this shit before
Old School came out. Which btw, is one of the greatest comedies of all time. One of my favorite things was chilling out at our Squan house when it rained and watching that DVD like 5 times in a row while imbibing heavily. Then topped it off with a game of indoor Beirut (don't call it Beer Pong in Jersey). Another side note, what the hell took them so long to make a movie called
Beerfest? Hollywood is so retardly behind the curve on the hot shit. People having been playing beer games for years, probably since the middle ages with mead or some other crazy-ass alcohol. (Mead is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water). Hmmm, sounds like a good experiment to me.
So anyways, back to my original point. The hammers are back and the old website has shape-shifted like Sandman into this new blog. I will try to fill it with fun-ass-shit like photos, trivia, quizzes, and nerdy crap. Welcome, and enjoy the spectacle.
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