Ok, so sorry I missed yesterday but my brain was somewhat dead. It was my brother Ryan's birthday so wish him a happy one if you run into him. We went to Ruth's Chris steakhouse last night. For being a chain, the food was outstanding. The steaks were buttery and delicious. If you haven't been, check out the one in Weehawkin.
We will be celebrating my bro's bday all weekend down at the shore in the Squan. Friday we will most likely hit The Osprey. The Sprey has been great this year because it hasn't been too crowded and there is a new paddock smoking section.
Saturday will be Club Leget' Sandbar bingo followed by a lobsterfest in our backyard. The lobsters will be provided by Klein's in Belmar, which has awesome seafood.
Saturday night we will join forces with our guido brethren in all their fist-pumping glory at Headliner in Neptune.
First off though, tonight there is a Jak Tripa party at Maxwell's in Hoboken. My friends, and local Hoboken band, Jak Tripa will rock their first appearance at the renowned rock club. They are a roots, rock, reggae band with originals and some unlikely covers. Stop by and check it out.
Here is what lead guitarist K-Rizza has to say about it:
Hope this Bulletin finds you all in good spirits...
This Thursday Night(June 14th) JakTripa will be taking it to another level in Hoboken at the Legendary venue MAXWELL's We hit at 11 and are playing an hour+ of our originals new and old.. Hope to see you out dancing and smiling, and givin' us that "damm ya'll have gotten better" look. Oh and there are some great bands on before us that include: Mr.NorthNew Day Dawn (formerly Slushpuppy)High Speed Chaseits gonna be a sick night -
All ages - 21 to drink -
$6 cover
One Love Everytime!!!K Rizz
for tunes and video check us out @http://www.blogger.com/www.myspace.com/JakTripaMusic
Live @ Maxwells
1039 Washington St. (11th and Washington)Hoboken, NJ 07030
11pm Sharp!!
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